Tuesday, February 12, 2013


As soon as Andrew was released as bishop, in addition to his responsibilities on the high council, he was quickly given a new assignment at church:  Young Women's basketball coach.  Woo hoo!  It has been such a fun calling for him.  Our ward is fairly small, so we combine with a branch and another ward, making a big team.  He has up to 18 girls at practice, usually 10-14 at the games.  They have worked hard at putting together an offense and so far it's working well.  They are 2-1 on the season.

 Go Team LGA!


  1. So fun! I must admit even though I didn't know much about basketball this was one of my favorite callings.

  2. Andrew is certainly outstanding in his field. Or should we say head and shoulders above everyone else. Hope you win the stake championship.

  3. You taught them plays? The Ward YW basketball team has an offense? I think this should be submitted to the Church News.

    Mom S
