Saturday, January 31, 2015

Spotlight 2015: Brandon

Something in 2014 that...

*you saw or did that was awesome:  Doing a flip off of Flat Rock at the Creek

*you'll remember:  The OM experience

*you want to forget:  My grades

*scared you:  So Big (Ms. V's creepy doll)

*you're good at:  Video games

*you're proud of:  Setting a speed record at the rock climbing gym

*made you happy:  Going to the Hornets game

*made you laugh: BYU football

*was silly:  Five Nights at Freddy's at Grandma's house

*was exciting:  The Panthers going to the playoffs

*you earned, won, or accomplished:  Making All-County band

Something in 2015 that...

*you wish you were better at:  School

*you wish you could buy:  A better PC

Hobbies:  Video games, rock climbing, basketball

Something you like about school:  Band

Something you don't like about school:  Everything else

A job you might want when you're older:  Imagineer

A pet you wish your mom would let you have:  Hungarian Horntail

The most important thing you do:  Deacon's Quorum President, even though I don't do anything in it


Restaurant:  Ginza

Sport:  Rock climbing

Book:  Harry Potter or Way of the Warrior

Candy or other treat:  Chocolate Caramel Sea Salt tart from Starbucks

Color:  Black

Movie:  Tron: Legacy, The Saratov Approach, and Maze Runner

Animal:  Pokemon

Snack:  Cheese

TV show:  X Games

Place:  Disney

Season:  Summer

Meal:  Spaghetti

Game:  Roblox, Runescape, Shadow of the Colossus, Lego Star Wars, and Pocket Knights

RANDOM FACT:  I'm a ninja in my spare time.

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say how much I love this boy? Thanks for the update and a peak into his hilarious antics and sense of humor. XOXOXOX Grandmama S
