Sunday, May 31, 2015


Happy Mother's Day! I was not a girl who grew up fantasizing about being a mom. I was a tomboy. And I was good at school. I dreamed of becoming a dentist, and having kids seemed like a fun side job.

And then I had Brandon. 

And my worldview changed more abruptly than I could have imagined. I immediately wanted to do everything that I could to focus my life being the best mom that I could.

The Relief Society Declaration teaches that "We find nobility in motherhood and joy in womanhood." That is how I feel! I love being a mom to Brandon, Whitney, and Caroline. I love the lessons that I learn and the joy that I find in serving them.

And I'm grateful that I get spoiled every year on Mother's Day. :)


  1. It's a "WIN-WIN-WIN" situation - They get you as their mom, you get them as your kids, and we get you in our family!
    Grandma S

  2. You are such a great mom! I watch and marvel at how you love and teach and guide our kids. You are awesome!

  3. I love reading all of the blogs that everyone posts. Barb wanted me to post this so you know how much joy I get from them.
