Thursday, June 2, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes--May

5/2--Whit was reading a book and said: I wish I was this American Girl.  She lives on an island and gets to swim every day.
Me:  Why does she get to swim every day?
W:  Because they don't have school on islands!

5/7--We were driving with the windows down today.  Whit said, "Every Saturday smells the same."
Brandon suggested, "Like gas?"
Whit replied, "Like the hot tub."

The sweet smell of Saturday.
5/8--I was wearing these new earrings today:

Caroline said, "Your earrings look like cherries.
Can I eat them?"
And proceeded to make fake chewing sounds.

5/10--Caroline and I were playing together this morning.  When she got part of our puzzle done, I told her, "I'm proud of you, Caroline!"  She said, "I'm proud of YOU, Mommy."  

5/13--Andrew was joking around at dinner and saying he was going to go clubbing.  I don't know if we've ever used that word around the house before.  Whit said, "Does that mean your going golfing?"

5/16--Random graffiti of the month:

I like it.

5/17--The girls have been having campouts on their bedroom floor for the last few nights.  Caroline can NOT remember the correct word for her sleeping bag.  This morning she told me, "I slept in my back pack....  I mean I slept in my guitar....  NOT my sleeping bag."

5/18--Caroline's simile of the day, "Watermelons are kind of like wild dogs."

5/18--When I asked Caroline if she was ready to take her nap, she said no.  I asked, "What do you need?"  I thought she would say she needed a drink or a story or to use the potty.  Instead I heard, "I need to check my e-mail first."

And she's not even three yet.

5/19--Care Bear wears a pull-up when she takes her naps.  Today, when she got up from her nap, I was outside with the big kids, so I told her, "Go back up to your room and put on your pants and panties."

She listened.
5/29--I did my CPR certification earlier this month.  Since then, there have been a few times when Caroline has "played dead" when she didn't want to do something.  I use the evaluation skills the red cross taught me and she ends up laughing.  Well, she listens closer than I realized.  Today during church, Brandon was sitting back with his eyes close.  Caroline started shaking his shoulder and said, "This boy is not responding!  Call 9-1-1-1-1-1-1."

Caroline to the rescue!

Brandon's sweet BMX photo of the month:


  1. My favs were the golf club comment and Caroline responding to Brandon sleeping in church with rescue 911! hilarious! They are too cute!

  2. graffiti is ok as long as it's about your mama. i mean, your own mother. and it's something nice.

    and what is up with your face in the cherry picture? i want to print it out and hang it on my wall.

    miss you already and you're not even gone yet.

  3. Shelley--I wondered the same thing--what IS up with my face? But without the visual, the quote didn't make sense. So I sucked it up and put the funky face pic on the blog. :)

  4. I wish I had a hot tub, maybe my Saturdays would smell better :)
